Welcome to Kaleidoscope Theatre's online blog! Kaleidoscope is a professional theatre company that tours throughout New England with educational shows (topics: bullying, inclusion, and drug education) and full-length fairytale musicals.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Goldilocks' Christmas

Thursday, December 11, 2008
Looking Through The Kaleidoscope #7: For Your Ears Only
Happy holidays to the Kaleidoscope family and its friends. It's getting to be that time of year where families big and small come together, we all feel the chill of a New England winter, and David and Bobby migrate along with the geese. Yet Kaleidoscope doesn't really stop and this year I am starting to understand that first-hand. My experiences so far have been those of the summer touring, but now I am getting a glimpse of what happens when the weather isn't so hot.
I'm looking at my short-term calender and am realizing that I am lucky enough to be doing more with the company. I'm going to get to do Goldilocks for the very first time as the narrator, and if I am lucky I will be involved with B.U.L.L.Y, which would be my first non-fairy tale show at Kaleidoscope (not that I mind the fairy tales). I've seen B.U.L.L.Y once when I helped film a production of it about a year ago and it's a very different animal in theatrical terms. The interaction is very different with the kids; it is much more personal and there is a particular level of importance in getting the message out to them. I can see why David has such pride in that show and I hope my schedule works out.
But first things first. In the near future I will once again be playing the Huntsman in Little Red Riding Hood's Christmas for a school performance. For those of you who don't know, it's very much like the normal show except two numbers are different and we say "Christmas" a lot more. Looking towards the future and that performance, I remember the first time I was in Little Red.
I believe I mentioned before that I played the Huntsman last summer for one show in Connecticut. That show was particularly fun as I got to work with both my girlfriend and people I had gotten to know well through the company. Plus the shows at Chevrolet usually mean a character lunch, so there is that to look forward to. This particular lunch was interesting because some kids either recognized me from Snow White or had mistaken me from another show. Most of my responses involved a handsome twin.
What stuck out for me the most with that show was this idea that popped into my head while waiting backstage. Once I was done with my lines and such in the first act, I was able to wait backstage in one of the dressing rooms, where a monitor was set up and I could listen to the show. One of the first things that came to my mind was radio drama and that it would be extremely neat if Kaleidoscope did audio versions of their shows.
For those of you who don't know, I am a big fan of radio, particularly radio drama and dramatic readings. One of my favorite parts of the weekend is A Prairie Home Companion, a variety show that has been around thirty some-odd years and is hosted by Garrison Keillor, who also writes wonderful books as well as contributes to the Chicago Tribune. You may not know what he looks like, but his voice is one that clings to you. Along those same lines, one of my favorite television shows from the sixties has been given the audio treatment now and again, the result being sort of like a staged reading except there is linking narration throughout in order to fill in some gaps.
Kaleidoscope has ventured into audio before. You can usually find CDs of Cinderella at the concession stands for any show. Yet something made me think "wouldn't it be so neat to do a whole show on a CD?" I think it would be neat at least, as well as effective. Kaleidoscope fairy tales are pretty much based in the music, and I would think the music is part of the reason families keep coming back every summer. While seeing a Kaleidoscope show is bound to be special for any family, I would like to think listening to one can be just as wonderful. Maybe it is just me, but I know I would have a blast performing a show for radio. For something like this, though, I'd want to be a narrator for any of the shows. Again, it is just a fun idea that I am throwing out there, which anyone with significant pull in the company is free to steal from me. Just remember: linking narration.
As things begin to pick up for me, I'll be sure to fill you all in.
In the words of Garrison Keillor, "be well, do good work, and keep in touch."
Cinderella's Christmas at RIC this Sunday!

Kaleidoscope Theatre will present Cinderella's Christmas at Roberts Hall on Sunday, December 14th at 2:00pm. RIC graduates and undergraduates who will participate include: Mike Daniels '09 as the Minister, Rob Ferland '05 as theTechnical Director, Nicole Frechette '06 as the Production Manager, Tommy Iafrate '05 as the Director, Christine Redihan '12 as the stage manager, and Jillian Rivers-Keegan '09 as the beautiful Cinderella.
Many of these students have been active in Kaleidoscope for a number of years; Rob Ferland has been the Technical Director for the company for ten years! Others are joining the company for their first Christmas tour. Mike Daniels '09 joined the company this summer and is looking forward to continued involvement: "When I joined Kaleidoscope, it was a real treat to get toperform professionally with good friends from my actingclasses. I immediately felt right at home."
Kaleidoscope's family includes all their performers,technicians, and of course, their audience! Come join our family to celebrate the holidays this year!
The show's final performance this season will be on Sunday, December 14th at Rhode Island College. The show is at 2:00pm.To reserve your tickets, please call the RIC Box Office at (401) 456-8144. Tickets are $10 in advance and $12 at the door.
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Hansel & Gretel!

Friday, December 05, 2008
Cinderella on the radio!!
Two songs from Kaleidoscope's production of Cinderella's Christmas will be featured on the radio this weekend! To hear the two catchy Christmas songs, tune in to WNRI (1380AM) this Saturday at 4:00pm and Sunday at 6:00pm. You can also check them out online!
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Email Issues
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Turkey Day!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Cinderella and Santa!

Monday, November 17, 2008
Showing kids how to TELL

"Putting an end to bullying in all its forms -Kaleidoscope Theatre players teach Silver Spring kids to tell not tattle”
East Bay Newspapers recently did an article on our anti-bullying program. Thanks to Officer Aguiar, the community relations liaison, BULLY has been into every public school in East Providence! To read the article by George Morse, click here.
(Photo: courtesy of EastBayri.com - Officer Aguiar and students at a recent BULLY performance.)
Friday, November 14, 2008
Buy your tickets!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Looking Through The Kaleidoscope #6: Loss

I realize this next post is digressing a bit. It is not about what I said it would be about last time. I also think it might be digressing a little because it has been some time since our good friend Larry has passed. I had wished to touch on this earlier when it might have been more prevalent, but there were many thoughts stirring about this.
When one becomes involved with the theatre, it is very easy to become part of an extended family. As I've posted before, Kaleidoscope is certainly no exception to this. It is a very welcoming community that is always open to a few more faces. And it is also very tough when one has to come to the realization that there is a face that you will now only revisit in memories and pictures.
I didn't know Larry very well. I only have small bits of imagery and information readily available, but it is enough to paint a detailed picture of this man. I know that he loved to make music. His love of music was something him and Debbie shared closely.
I remember finishing up a show at RIC last summer and we were loading up the van at the back of the auditorium. As I was bringing in some of the equipment, I saw Larry over by a piano that was set up near one of the other performance spaces. He stood at one corner of the piano, his cane in one hand, and lightly playing the keys in the other. There was something about it that was flowing and effortless. A sort of grace that just came from him naturally as opposed to years of study. For some reason that image stays with me the most: a man and a piano, making music out of silence.
From what I had seen between Larry and Debbie, I could tell how much they loved each other. Despite his illness, Larry would travel with Debbie to every Snow White performance last summer. Something as debilitating as cancer couldn't keep Larry from being there. I'm almost ashamed to say this, but just before a performance at Cape Cod Melody Tent, I had been backstage to get something from my bag and came across Larry and Debbie just holding each other. I moved quietly as to not disturb them in this tender moment. But that's just what it was. This one image of a man and woman holding each other spoke more about their relationship than any number of words could say. And I hated the idea of disturbing this, but frankly the room could have caved in and they would still be sheltering each other in their arms. There was something very powerful about this moment that I know I shouldn't have been a part of but am almost thankful that I was.
I attended the wake. Debbie and her family stood in the line, greeting friends and family. There was a certain kind of strength that I could see in her. It wasn't necessarily fighting the tears back, but rather it was that the love that she had for Larry was still there, as it should be. As I stood in the line, I heard her tell someone "wherever he is now, he's rejoicing." I could see in Debbie's eyes that no matter how far away Larry now seemed, the love and the music were not going to leave her. As I eventually said my goodbyes, I told Debbie that she had a whole other family to take care of her. She responded in such a way that I didn't even need to reassure her.
I offer a portion of a poem by Mary Sarton:
Who will remember you when I have gone,
My darling ones, or who remember me?
Only in our wild hearts the dead live on.
Yet these frail engines bound to mystery
Break the harsh turn of all creation's wheel,
For we remember China, Greece, and Rome,
Our mothers and our fathers, and we steal
From death itself its rich store, and bring it home.
We will always remember Larry and he will always be in our hearts and homes.
In the words of Garrison Keillor, "be well, do good work, and keep in touch."
Monday, October 27, 2008
McPherson Designs

Monday, October 20, 2008
Remembering Larry

Sunday, October 12, 2008
Looking Through The Kaleidoscope #5: I Suppose You Can Call It Typecasting
It has been quite some time since I have made a post on the blog, for which I apologize. Things have been extremely busy as of late. But seeing that the newsletter mentioned the blog, I figured I should oblige again. I wouldn't want to newsletter to be accused of libel.
For me, I had expected certain things to happen with Kaleidoscope. My main expectation was that I was going to play The Huntsman again for Snow White, which I did. I relatively try and keep modest when it comes to theatre and think of every new show, even one I've done before, as a clean slate, meaning I was prepared for the idea that someone else might play The Huntsman instead. However I did have assurance from others that I would get to rejoin the cast and I was happy to do so.
For those of you who may have only done a particular show for one run with Kaleidoscope, getting to do a second run has a particularly good feeling. Because of the atmosphere that this particular theatre company already creates, going in to revisit a show with familiar faces is extremely welcoming. The first rehearsals usually begin with enthusiastic greetings between people who haven't seen each other since last summer. In my case, these greetings were with a great deal of children, who seem to have grown in one way or another since the summer before. I see certain faces and think of how glad I am that they are part of the show again and hope that they could stay small forever. However I think the parents would protest to that last part. Otherwise when would they move out? Never the less, seeing a familiar cast is always special. The rehearsals also run pretty smoothly because, as I said before, doing a Kaleidoscope show is a lot like riding a bike: you do it once and then you never really forget.
As I stated, I had certain expectations for the summer with Kaleidoscope. I expected to go to certain venues, my particular favorite being Melody Tent. I expected experiencing the fury of a character lunch and lots of time in a van. What I didn't expect, however, was to do another show.
I was told by Jamie that the company was looking for someone to perform in Little Red Riding Hood playing, surprise, The Huntsman. I figured "how different can one huntsman be from another?" Turns out there is quite a difference between the two, particularly that The Huntsman sings in Little Red. My gut reaction was that this could pose a problem. But at the same time, I sang at my first audition, I can try again at this next one.
For the second time, I made my way down to Kaleidoscope's office and was about to audition for a new part. I never would have guessed that this would be the easiest audition of my life thus far. I kid you not. I'm not saying it was due to this Broadway-caliber barrage of talent practically glowing out of my being, especially since that factor of myself doesn't exist. It was David who made this audition easy and he was only there for a total of seven seconds.
Jamie and I were going over The Huntsman's song a few times in preparation for David to get there and officially hold the audition. David came in while I was in the middle of singing, said "I didn't know you could sing...OK, you've got the part" and proceeded to leave. That was it. I didn't even know I could sing, but if David said I could who was I to argue? The man runs the company, for pete's sake! Don't hassle him about your insecurities of your own talent. He's got bigger fish to fry.
So for two times this summer I would play The Huntsman, albeit for only one other performance. That story will be for next time, plus how a monitor can cause sudden bursts of inspiration.
In the words of Garrison Keillor, "be well, do good work, and keep in touch."
Sunday, September 28, 2008
September Newsletter!
We send our newsletter out to subscribers only and we never intend to spam anyone. If you do not want to receive this newsletter, please email us so that we remove your name from our list which we will do immediately!
In this newsletter, you can read about:
1. Our Upcoming Performances
2. How to Use Your $100 Off Coupon
3. "Looking Through the Kaleidoscope"
4. BULLY video now online!
5. Congratulations, Siara!
6. Support Our Members - other venues to feature our performers
Monday, September 22, 2008
A Tribute to Lon

Saturday, September 06, 2008
Looking Through The Kaleidoscope #4: It's (Un)official

For those of you who have read the first entry of this blog, you might remember that I referred to my job as a cameraman for Kaleidoscope as official/unofficial. It was probably one of the easiest jobs I have ever gotten because I didn't even ask for it.
It all really started when I bought a camera. I had been working full-time and was saving money regularly, so I decided to get a nice camera. Not necessarily a professional camera, but a small one that was good quality. I picked up a Nikon Coolpix, which at the time was one of there latest models. Very sleek and small, it was certainly worth the money and I was excited to use it.
I had brought it with me during the summer run of Snow White, particularly when we had started touring Melody Tent and South Shore. The kids were all over it. They were constantly wanting to get their pictures taking and striking a variety of poses to their own amusement. Another particularly fun feature with this camera was that it could take short video clips. I decided to utilize this as well and would constantly be filming some "behind the scenes" footage. I would film the sound checks, the song rehearsals, and mostly interviewing my fellow performers and asking for their thoughts on the show.
I don't think I realized how noticeable this was until I was taking a video of Tommy using his phone as a mock piano. Tommy, having a lot of musical experience, had his phone keys set to "piano", which made each number a different piano key. I filmed Tommy playing an impromptu tune, completely perplexed, when all of a sudden David comes over saying "I finally get to be in the famous Ryan videos." The famous Ryan videos? Not only did I not realize that I had videos named after me, but that they were famous. Famous to Kaleidoscope at least. To me the videos were just fun to do and when I started uploading them to YouTube I remember the company being appreciative.
I remember when Cinderella Too! began Jamie invited me to come dow

It didn't occur to me to actually take pictures and video during an actual show because I wasn't sure if David and the others would want me to. In truth they did want me to and the first show I did show photos for was Cinderella. I was up in the balcony during a full house and tried to stay out of the way of the public as much as possible, but the camera held up very well and got some great shots. I would have to say that was my first official/unofficial job as the Kaleidoscope cameraman. I didn't have to do it but I was happy to.
Since then I have mainly done pictures at RIC. I went to just about all of the remaining shows for my first summer and got pictures. As for this summer, I did miss a couple of shows but they were shows I had gotten the year before. All of the shows I attended this summer were new to me and I got plenty of photos and videos along the way.
Probably the most daunting task is uploading everything. It isn't difficult to do, but it is time consuming. The photos would usually go up relatively quickly, but videos took forever because at first I could only upload one at a time to YouTube. I had discovered this past summer that there was a multi-video uploader available and the job became much easier. If you want to know just how much easier it was, let me put it this way: just as many videos that went up this summer were from last summer. I felt bad taking so long to get them up but I am glad I finally did.
The videos have also evolved a lot since last summer. The sense of responsibility motivated me to make the videos look a little more professional. The latest ones have the company logo as a title screen, a watermark of the logo in the corner, and then an ending screen with the website. I lose a little video quality in the process, but everyone seems to think that they are still good and worth the additions.
While this job is on a volunteer basis, I can't deny the perks. I've become much closer to a wonderful company, I've seen great performances, and I've traveled with great friends. And despite the company getting a photographer with professional equipment, I was invited to the Party of the Year to take pictures. Perhaps I will talk about that some time.
Next time, however, I think it would be only fair to contemplate this past summer.
In the words of Garrison Keillor, "be well, do good work, and keep in touch."
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Looking Through The Kaleidoscope #3: How Magical Is A Fairy Tale At 5:30 AM?

We are all well aware that summer is a big season for Kaleidoscope. Having just finished up this year's season of fairy tale musicals, we all look on to the future and what is yet to come. Except me and this blog, of course. Like I said last time, I would like to reflect on my first summer show with the theatre, that show being Snow White.
The Queen was being played by a woman named Alyce, who has been with the theatre for some time. In fact it is the very same Alyce who makes all of the 3-in-1 Dolls for the concession stands. I had met Alyce already from the dinner show. Our Prince was another new actor by the name of Dan, who I remember being very shy and maybe a little nervous around me. He had picked up on the fact that Jamie and I dated and made it clear that he was nervous about kissing her in rehearsals. One time he actually wiped his mouth clean after the kiss thinking I would be offended. I was, of course, but it was because he wiped his mouth as if he had just kissed a soggy log in the woods. This year he was much more comfortable around the cast and there was no more mouth wiping, which I suppose means he no longer found Jamie disgusting.
Monday, September 01, 2008
Looking Through The Kaleidoscope #2: Who's The New Kid?
As I mentioned previously, my first shows with Kaleidoscope Theatre were Dial M for Matrimony and Snow White. The dinner show came first and I thought it was something that was right up my alley. What I didn't realize, however, was how fast this company moved. By the time I found out I was in the dinner show, it was about five minutes to call.
OK, it didn't happen that fast, but it felt like it could have. We only had a few rehearsals and if I remember correctly I wasn't able to be at every one of them. I know I made at least two, but that was it. Thankfully my part did not have a lot of lines. For those of you unfamiliar with Dial M for Matrimony, the part of Pasqualie/Peccarino requires mainly two things: when you play Pasqualie you're old and when you play Peccarino you're annoying. Younger, but annoying. But I already had in my head how to do these characters. The most intimidating part was probably the fact that everyone else knew what they were doing, or at least they were extremely talented actors who made it look like they knew what they were doing.
But fast-paced takes on a new meaning at Kaleidoscope and I think it is especially apparent anytime the company does something other than the fairy tale musicals. While the musicals are perhaps the backbone of the company, the actors and actresses can change over a course of a short time. This has nothing to do with the talent of these actors and actresses, but rather the fact that the shows require very young people in some instances and as much as we might want these kids to stay young forever they do in fact grow. Throw in a couple of years and you might find that "Doc" is a little too tall to be a dwarf now. But we always have such wonderful young talent and I know that the company works very hard to keep as much of these kids as possible. So it wouldn't be fair to call Kaleidoscope the "Menudo" of the theatre world.
With the dinner shows, it can be like "getting the band back together". Here we have a wide range of performers, most of which have been with the company for quite some time. It's a lot of the people that have seen the company grow over the course of thirty years and now we've put these people in a room and told them to have fun. That is where the "fast-paced" comes in. Doing the show is like getting back on a bike for most of the performers. Just give them a minute and every line and movement will come flooding back. This is no longer a rehearsal, it is a jam session. Chaos usually ensues pretty quickly. But its a good kind of chaos. And its a chaos that one can actually step into and not get hurt because this regime is in fact a family. Kaleidoscope isn't a company made up of employees or volunteers but members of a family. You can see it very quickly when you step into the performance space and go over your part for the first time while most of the others have done their respective part many times before. And despite the fact that they know what they are doing, they are very willing to see what you bring to the table.
For those of you reading, I ask you to consider this: going out into the acting world may not always be welcoming. You might run into a group that are only concerned about reputation, fame, and money when it comes to theatre. Those people may only choose to work with you on a strictly professional level. In other words, it will never be about the goofs during rehearsal, or the long tech nights, or get-togethers after a show. Not that the whole theatre world is that grim, but parts of it can be. But once in a while, you find a place like Kaleidoscope and you can be a part of a greater thing. Something that surpasses the standing ovations and autograph lines. It is the ability to become a family and the ability to keep people in your heart for years to come. For those of you fortunate enough to become a member of this family, no matter what happens, remember that you can come home anytime.
Next time, Snow White and seven kids that will climb on you like a jungle gym, all the while singing songs of you and your significant other showing public displays of affection in a nearby red maple (aka "Jamie and Ryan sittin' in a tree...").
In the words of Garrison Keillor, "be well, do good work, and keep in touch."
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Looking Through The Kaleidoscope #1: How Singing "Happy Birthday" Will Get You A Job In Theatre

Hello all. This is Ryan and if you read the Kaleido-News lately, then you know what I am doing on this blog. If you don't know what I am doing here, Kaleidoscope was nice enough to make me a contributor for the blogs and I am using the opportunity to write entries about summer experiences as an actor for the company. I thank Nikki and Mia for giving me the inspiration for this.
While this summer has come to a close and these experiences won't necessarily by "live", I am hoping my memory will serve me well and I can reflect on the past two summers with the company. One thing I certainly remember well is how I got started with Kaleidoscope.
While I realize now that I had seen Kaleidoscope shows when I was a young child, I was formally introduced to the theater in 2007 by Jamie Dellorco, who most people know by now is my girlfriend. Before I go on, I want to stress that Kaleidoscope does offer auditions on a regular basis and you are not required to take anyone out to dinner and a movie in order to work with them. Whether that will improve your chances or not, I don't know.
Nevertheless, I had come to learn that Jamie had worked with Kaleidoscope for some time now. Jamie told me, and I say this at the risk of embarrassing her, that children's theatre, specifically Kaleidoscope, helped keep her involved with the arts and acting. She had been starting to stray from the stage until she worked with children and realized that this was what she wanted to do. No matter what kind of ups and downs she would face, Jamie could always call Kaleidoscope her home.
Jamie knew that they needed someone for a dinner theatre show, Dial M for Matrimony, and possibly a Huntsman for Snow White during the summer season. She suggested and encouraged me to audition. There was one thing, however, that I knew would get in the way of a successful audition: I did not sing. Kaleidoscope is a place of music. Music plays such a vital role in all of their productions. What would they do with a non-singing, out-of-college actor? What would anybody do with a non-singing, out-of-college actor? Seriously. Not only did I not sing but I had no kind of vocal training at all. Doing children's theatre for a summer seemed like fun, but to me the likelihood didn't seem high. Jamie assured me, however, that if I did Snow White that I would not have to sing as The Huntsman. In the end, I decided to give it a shot.
The fateful night of the audition I met David Payton for the first time, who was very polite in greeting me. We made our way into the performance space and got right down to business. As my luck would have it, David asked me to sing. My song: "Happy Birthday". It's one of those songs that you just sing without thinking about it. It's something ingrained in the brains of every individual. It's some person's birthday, so you sing. I gave the song a shot and David said, to my surprise, that it didn't sound too bad. Didn't sound bad? This can't be. Hanleys don't sing. It's a rule. But that's what David said. He suggested I try and listen to myself more when I sing. I tried again, this time attempting to make an effort to listen to my own voice, which isn't easy for a non-singer. But David thought I did better the second time around. If he's happy, I'm happy. I was then asked to read a portion of Dial M for Matrimony. With this I was more comfortable and had a great time coming up with voices for the characters. Eventually, I was offered the part of Pasqualie/Peccarino in Dial M for Matrimony.
I'm not posting this to gloat, I assure you. Modesty is an important policy all people should keep. Besides, I still don't think I can sing. In any case, I have come to realize that even in a theater full of musicals, there is a place for someone who is musically illiterate. No matter what you think a theater is looking for, there is no reason not to give it a try. For all you know, it might end up that they were looking for you.
Next time, I would like to share my first show experiences with you if you would be so kind to read them.
In the words of Garrison Keillor, "Be well, do good work, and keep in touch".
Friday, August 29, 2008
Remember, if you picked up a $100 off coupon at our concession stand, please call us about it before the October 15th deadline! If your child enjoyed our shows and would be interested in having one of our characters come to their birthday party or other special event, please contact us at kaleidoscope@kaleidoscopetheatre.com!
We already have some Fall/Winter shows booked (and more are on the way)! Here is our schedule so far...
* November 29th - December 1st = Hansel & Gretel at The Kelsey Theatre, MCCC in New Jersey
* December 6th - Cinderella's Christmas at The Chevrolet Theatre in Wallingford, CT
* December 11th - Hansel & Gretel at The Scottish Rites Auditorium in Cranston, RI
* December 14th - Cinderella's Christmas at Rhode Island College in Providence, RI
* December 22nd - Goldilocks' Christmas at The Orpheum Theatre in Foxboro, MA
Hope to see you all there!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Final Week - Hansel & Gretel!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Spinning STRAW? Into GOLD?!?!

Show times:
* Tuesday, August 19th at Rhode Island College, 11:00am
* Wednesday, August 20th at Cape Cod Melody Tent, 11:00am
* Thursday, August 21sy at South Shore Music Circus, 10:30am
(Photo: Adora, the Miller's daughter, hard at work on her spinning wheel. Adora is played by Srah Pothier of East Providence.)
Also this week, Kaleidoscope will be presenting the final show of the summer at the Chevrolet Theatre in Wallingford, CT. Come join LITTLE RED RIDINGHOOD on her adventure in the woods! This last performance of the 2008 Summer Series at the Chevrolet will be on Wednesday, August 20th at 11:00am. We hope you can join us!
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Everybody FREEZE! Come see "Rapunzel" this week at RIC!

Friday, August 01, 2008
You're cordially invited...

Rapunzel is a magical musical based upon the famous fairytale where a young girl is kept in a tower by a comical and bumbling witch and the only way in is by climbing Rapunzel's beautiful and extremely long hair. This enchanting adaptation closely follows the classic and timeless tale we all know and love. Lovely and lively songs create a mood of enchantment and romance as Rapunzel meets her true love and is rescued from her tower with help from the audience.
It is a delightful experience the entire family will enjoy and remember!
Friday, July 25, 2008
Kaleidoscope climbs to the top!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008
July Newsletter

2. $100 Off Coupon
3. Not Too Late - Four for Four!
4. Cinderella’s New Home Debuts at RIC
5. Supporting Our Members
Monday, July 21, 2008
This week marks the debut of Kaleidoscope's most popular show...

This weeks schedule:
Friday, July 11, 2008

Monday, July 07, 2008
The summer has arrived!

Wednesday, July 02, 2008
"All The World's A Stage" - Exploring Children's Theatre on the Cape

Check out the article online!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Kaleidoscope Theatre featured on Society Page

June Newsletter!

This issue features several special offers regarding our summer series at Rhode Island College, and several announcements regarding staff changes at the Kaleidoscope home office. Here's the newsletter index:
1. Our 2008 Summer Series Lineup
2. Thank you for ‘The Party of the Year!’
3. Special offer - Four for Four!
4. Welcome Aboard, Jamie!
5. Break a leg, Tommy!
6. Kaleidoscope on YouTube
7. Supporting Our Members
If you'd like to sign up to receive our newsletter automatically every month, please check out our official website!
(Photo: Kaleidoscope Theatre's Artistic Director, Tommy Iafrate, departs to accept an exciting position at the Courthouse Center for the Arts in West Kingston, RI!)
Thursday, June 19, 2008

Proceeds from the event will help in the development of new shows and in providing support to bring B.U.L.L.Y. (an anti-bullying program) to schools that cannot otherwise afford to fund it.
Thank you all so much!
(Photo: Holly Shadoian (the original Snow White and Event Committee Chair) and Jamie Dellorco (Snow White onstage this summer!)
Friday, June 06, 2008
Walk the Red Carpet at Kaleidoscope's Gala Event!

Carrabba’s Italian Grill is providing wonderful hors d’oeuvres and dinner and a decadent chocolate dessert is being provided by the Napa Valley Grille. Well known local singer and Kaleidoscope performer John Britto is the featured vocalist for the cocktail hour at the black tie optional event.
This festive evening begins with a red carpet entrance and includes a Kaleidoscope-themed martini bar, entertainment featuring the music of Kaleidoscope Executive Director David Payton, and a fabulous auction. Charlie Hall, State Jester, is the auctioneer for the evening.
Live and silent auction items are themed to Kaleidoscope Theatre’s fairytale musicals and school touring shows and include “Cinderella’s Bling”, a crystal tiara donated by Swarovski, “Little Red’s Sox”, a pair of Red Sox tickets, and several weekend or week long getaways. For a list of auction items, visit the Kaleidoscope website.
Proceeds will benefit the non-profit, award-winning Kaleidoscope Theatre by providing funding for bringing B.U.L.L.Y. (and anti-bullying show) to schools which need but cannot afford the production; new show development including a show focused on autism, and adapting B.U.L.L.Y. for the high school level to focus on different forms of adolescent bullying.
Kaleidoscope Theatre has been named Best of Rhode Island by Rhode Island Monthly Magazine, and received a RI Theatre Achievement Award and the RI Jefferson Award. RIARC has honored the organization with several awards and the theatre company was chosen to represent the U.S. in 1989 at an International Down Syndrome Congress in Israel. Kaleidoscope has toured from Maine to Texas, and has performed at three national ARC conventions.
For information on sponsorships or to request an invitation to the event, which is $100 per person, call 401-942-3637, email kaleidoscope@kaleidoscopetheatre.com, or log on to http://www.kaleidoscopechildrenstheatre.com/.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Kaleidoscope on WPRI 12 / FOX Providence!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Kaleidoscope on NBC 10!

Monday, May 19, 2008
Find us on YouTube!
Thanks to digital technology, you can now preview some of Kaleidoscope's shows online! Check out our profile on YouTube! We've uploaded clips from several of our shows, including: Cinderella, Jack & the Beanstalk, Pinocchio, Hansel & Gretel, Goldilocks, and Rapunzel... all of which will be touring this summer!
Comment on the videos and let us know what you think!
Monday, May 12, 2008
This week at Kaleidoscope - Snow White!

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Here's the lineup:
July 8 – Snow White
July 15 – Pinocchio
July 22 – Cinderella
July 29 – Jack & the Beanstalk
August 5 – Cinderella, Too!
August 12 – Rapunzel
August 19 – Rumpelstiltskin
August 26 – Hansel & Gretel
To purchase tickets, please call the RIC Box Office at (401) 456-8144 between 10:00am and 4:00pm!
We look forward to seeing you this summer!
(Photo from Kaleidoscope's season opener, Snow White.)
Monday, May 05, 2008
May Newsletter!

In this issue you can read about:
1. Upcoming Performances
2. Our 2008 Summer Series Lineup
3. Open Auditions
4. Update on ‘The Party of the Year!’
5. Book a Birthday Party
6. Bring the music of Kaleidoscope home
7. Supporting Our Members
Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Saturday, April 19, 2008
A New Home for Cinderella

Thanks to funding from RISCA (the RI State Council on the Arts), Cinderella will be getting a new home this summer! This past week, Kaleidoscope partnered with Providence scenic artist Laura McPherson to produce a brand-new kitchen drop for the show! This new piece of art will replace an older decaying scrim that has been used as Cinderella's cottage home since the 1990s.
Members of Kaleidoscope Theatre assisted McPherson in creating the backdrop, which gave them a phenomenal opportunity to learn how a backdrop is designed and painted.
Come see the debut of this new drop at this summer's first performance of Cinderella at Rhode Island College on Tuesday, July 22 at 11:00am!
(Photo: A section of the new drop (in progress). For more photos, check out Kaleidoscope Theatre's Myspace page at www.myspace.com/kaleidoscopetheatre!)
Sunday, April 13, 2008
April Newsletter!

Kaleidoscope's April newsletter is now available online at www.kaleidoscopetheatre.com!
In this issue you can read about:
1. Our Upcoming Performances
2. Update on 'The Party of the Year!'
3. Thank You, Jerry Ventre!
4. A New Home for Cinderella
A brand new kitchen drop for Cinderella's home will be painted this coming week and will debut this summer! If you'd like to see the progress on the new drop, check out the pictures (as they're added this week) to our myspace profile at www.myspace.com/kaleidoscopetheatre.
5. New Local Theatre School Opens in Bristol
6. Supporting Our Members
(photo: The older kitchen drop that is being replaced!)
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
I'm Special, You're Special

David Brown
By: Bob Macaux
David Brown is a totally unique character with many similarities and differences through my life. Just like David, I was born with Down Syndrome and I was included in many schools. But there are differences. For example, David Brown is good with his hands, but personally I use my brain in a lot of ways including writing poetry and short stories, reading and going through college. I love the show because it carries a lesson on tolerance and acceptance. We all learn at different various speeds. Working with Kaleidoscope fulfills my quest for musical theater.
Thursday, April 03, 2008
A weekend of performances!
- Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat at Bishop Hendricken High School will feature Graham Duff (BULLY, Prince Charming in Cinderella, the Big Bad Wolf in Little Red Ridinghood, the White Rabbit/March Hare in Alice in Wonderland) as Joseph and Jessica Sepe (BULLY, Bad Company, Clara in Heidi).
- 42nd Street at Johnston High School will feature Joe Catanzaro (BULLY, the King in Rumpelstiltskin, and Peter in Heidi) as Bert Barry, Kathrine Barnes (BULLY, Hope in Sleeping Beauty) as Dorothy Brock, Cassandra Pacheco (BULLY, Putricia in Cinderella, Mom/Granny in Little Red Ridinghood, Faith in Sleeping Beauty), and Ariana Pacheco (BULLY, Heidi in Heidi, and Goldilocks in Goldilocks).
- High School Musical at Encore Repertory Company will feature Brendan Macera (BULLY, and the Big Bad Wolf in The Three Pigs) as Troy, Alyssa Surrette (BULLY) as Sharpay, and Tommy Iafrate (Artistic Director) as the Keyboard/Saxophone player in the pit!
- Chicago at the Community Players will feature Greg Bonin (the Emperor in The Emperor's New Clothes, the Giant in Jack & the Beanstalk, the Beast in Beauty & the Beast) as Billy Flynn, Brian Lamothe (the Miller in Rumpelstiltskin, Papa Bear in Goldilocks), and Janet Barton (Uglicia in Sleeping Beauty).
- You Can't Take It With You at Barker Playhouse in Providence will feature Ryan Hanley (Hunstman in Snow White and Pasquale/Carlos in Dial M for Matrimony) as Tony.
Monday, March 24, 2008
March Newsletter now available!
2. Update on ‘The Party of the Year!’
3. Kaleidoscope’s Official Blog
4. Kaleidoscope is now on Facebook!
5. Live Recording of BULLY
Also, if you are a subscriber but have not received this month's newsletter, please adjust your spam blocker! Many of the work e-mails listed in our address archives are bouncing back.
Thank you and sorry for any inconvenience!
~The Kaleido-Staff
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Birthday Parties!

Jillian (who's played 'Mama Piggy' in The Three Pigs, 'Charlotte' in Sleeping Beauty, and the title character in Cinderella) is one of the actresses that appears at the parties. Here's what she had to say about her most recent party:
"I love doing character appearances, especially at birthday parties! A few weeks ago, I (as Sleeping Beauty) visited Janie's 5th Birthday party, and everyone had a fantastic time. When I arrived, all of the children were dressed in their princess finest! Once everyone got to know one another, saying our names and our favorite foods (mac & cheese was a popular choice), the kids all crowded around to hear the story of Sleeping Beauty. Afterwards, Janie was declared Princess for the day, and was quite excited when I presented her with a brand new tiara! As a surprise for the parents, the children and I prepared a Princess Parade! They were all quick to learn how to wave and curtsy, just like a real princess, and they all looked quite lovely as they took their turns showing their moms and dads. The most exciting part was, of course, the cake! We all sang "Happy Birthday" together, and Janie made her wish. It was then time for me to say goodbye, but it seemed like everyone had a great time. It is always fun to get to interact with our youngest Kaleidoscope fans in such an intimate setting!"