Jillian (who's played 'Mama Piggy' in The Three Pigs, 'Charlotte' in Sleeping Beauty, and the title character in Cinderella) is one of the actresses that appears at the parties. Here's what she had to say about her most recent party:
"I love doing character appearances, especially at birthday parties! A few weeks ago, I (as Sleeping Beauty) visited Janie's 5th Birthday party, and everyone had a fantastic time. When I arrived, all of the children were dressed in their princess finest! Once everyone got to know one another, saying our names and our favorite foods (mac & cheese was a popular choice), the kids all crowded around to hear the story of Sleeping Beauty. Afterwards, Janie was declared Princess for the day, and was quite excited when I presented her with a brand new tiara! As a surprise for the parents, the children and I prepared a Princess Parade! They were all quick to learn how to wave and curtsy, just like a real princess, and they all looked quite lovely as they took their turns showing their moms and dads. The most exciting part was, of course, the cake! We all sang "Happy Birthday" together, and Janie made her wish. It was then time for me to say goodbye, but it seemed like everyone had a great time. It is always fun to get to interact with our youngest Kaleidoscope fans in such an intimate setting!"
If you're interested in booking a Kaleidoscope birthday party, please call our office at (401) 942-3637!
(Photo: Jillian as 'Sleeping Beauty' with the party guests on February 2nd!)
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