Saturday, April 19, 2008

A New Home for Cinderella

Thanks to funding from RISCA (the RI State Council on the Arts), Cinderella will be getting a new home this summer! This past week, Kaleidoscope partnered with Providence scenic artist Laura McPherson to produce a brand-new kitchen drop for the show! This new piece of art will replace an older decaying scrim that has been used as Cinderella's cottage home since the 1990s.
Members of Kaleidoscope Theatre assisted McPherson in creating the backdrop, which gave them a phenomenal opportunity to learn how a backdrop is designed and painted.

Come see the debut of this new drop at this summer's first performance of Cinderella at Rhode Island College on Tuesday, July 22 at 11:00am!

(Photo: A section of the new drop (in progress). For more photos, check out Kaleidoscope Theatre's Myspace page at!)

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